Computer Backup: Schedule Tab

Use the Schedule tab on the Backup page to perform the following tasks:

Field and Button Descriptions

Field/Button Description
Backup Policy Name

Type a name for the backup policy.

Renaming the backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

Change name button

Click to rename the backup policy.

Type the new name in the Backup Policy Name box and click Change Name.

Cancel button Click to discard the policy rename.
Rename button

When editing a backup policy, click to rename the existing backup policy.

Type the new name in the Backup Policy Name box and click Change Name.

Renaming the backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.


Click to delete the currently selected policy. Deleting a policy eliminates backup for the files and directories protected by the backup policy.

Deleting a backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

Where would you like the data to be backed up to?
Appliance Only (appears if you have an appliance) Select the check box to back up data in the selected policy to the appliance, but not to the vault.
Appliance and Off-site Electronic Vault  (appears if you have an appliance) Select the check box to back up data in the selected policy to the appliance and to the vault.
Replicate data from the appliance to off-site as soon as backup completes.  (appears if you have an appliance) Select this option to replicate data in the selected policy from the appliance to the vault as soon as it gets to the appliance.
When should the data be backed up?
Use this section to define when to back up data from the computer to the appliance or vault. If the Replicate data from appliance to off-site checkbox is unselected, you can also define when to replicate data from the appliance to the vault.
When should the data be backed up to the appliance?

Select a predefined backup schedule or create your own backup schedule. Select one of the following options (you might not see some of these options, depending on the subscription you have to LiveVault):

  • Evenings: Select this option to make backup occur each night from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the next morning. Backed up files are synchronized each time the backup starts.
  • Continuous: Select this option to run backup continuously. Backup runs all the time, synchronizing the files once, then backing up changes as they occur on your computer.
  • Custom: You decide the backup schedule using the schedule grid. Backed-up files are synchronized each time the backup starts.

    Changing the backup schedule of this policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

Schedule Grid

This grid shows the schedule for the backup policy.

  • If you select Continuous, changes to files are backed up continually.

  • If you select Custom, use this schedule grid to specify when the backup policy will run.

  • If you select one of the other schedule options, one backup occurs per period you select. For example, if you select Evenings, backup occurs once each evening.

The Schedule grid consists of hours of the day (columns) and days of the week (rows). Each horizontal row identifies a day of the week, with Monday at the top. The first time period (left edge of the grid) is 12 a.m. (midnight). Each square on the grid represents a 30-minute interval.

A cleared square indicates that the backup is not scheduled to execute during that time period.

To create a custom schedule backup

  1. Select Custom from the schedule list.

  2. In the Schedule Grid, perform one of the following actions:

  • Click each square individually to toggle on and off.

  • Click a square and drag the mouse across the successive squares to toggle on and off.

  • Click a square and drag the mouse diagonally across successive squares to toggle on and off (based on the status of the first cell).

Backup starts at the beginning of a schedule interval.

If you select multiple intervals on the schedule grid, the backup will run only once for each interval. Therefore, if you select intervals spanning a long time period, for example, Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., your backup will run only once during this time period. 

If you need multiple backups to run every few hours, select alternate squares on the grid. The Schedule notation in the legend under the grid shows how many backups are scheduled per week based on your selections.

When should the data be replicated from the appliance to the vault?

Select a predefined replication schedule or create your own replication schedule.

Select one of the following options (you might not see some of these options, depending on the subscription you have to LiveVault):

  • Evenings: Select this option to make replications occur each night from 10:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. the next morning. Backed up files are synchronized each time the replication starts.
  • Continuous: Select this option to run replications continuously.
  • Custom: You decide the replication schedule using the schedule grid. Backed-up files are synchronized each time the replication starts.

    Changing the backup schedule of this policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

An appliance uses a similar amount of bandwidth to replicate data offsite as backing up without an appliance.
Run beyond scheduled time until backup is complete Select to enable the backup or replication to run until synchronization is complete, even if the scheduled time has ended.

Click to save the backup configuration.


Click to discard the backup configuration.