Computer Backup: Options Tab

Use the Options tab to specify the following options for a backup policy:

Field and Button Descriptions

Field/Button Description
Backup Policy Name

Type a name for the backup policy.

Renaming the backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

Change name button

Click to rename the backup policy.

Type the new name in the Backup Policy Name box and click Change Name.

Cancel button Click to discard the policy rename.
Rename button

When editing a backup policy, click to rename the existing backup policy.

Type the new name in the Backup Policy Name box and click Change Name.

Renaming the backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.


Click to delete the currently selected policy. Deleting a policy eliminates backup for the files and directories protected by the backup policy.

Deleting a backup policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

How long do you want to store data backed up on this policy?
Retention Policy

From the list, select the length of time you want the files in the policy to be saved.

Changing the retention policy of this policy removes the computer from its associated server template.

Program to Run Before Each Backup Enter the full path and program name of a program that you want to execute before this backup is run. You can enter a relative path (..\path\name) or an absolute path (C:\path\name). Some special characters such as ‘< > +' are not allowed.

The program runs before each scheduled backup.

In Linux, the file must be a bourne shell script (/bin/sh).

Program to Run After Each Backup Enter the full path and program name of a program that you want to execute after this backup is run. You can enter a relative path (..\path\name) or an absolute path (C:\path\name). Some special characters such as ‘< > +' are not allowed.

The program runs after each scheduled backup.

In Linux, the file must be a bourne shell script (/bin/sh).

Disable this policy (do not back up the files) Select the check box to disable the backup policy. Clear the check box to enable a disabled backup policy.
Limit system state backups to no more often than once every _ hours.

LiveVault guarantees one System State backup per day. To force a limit on the number of System State backups, select the maximum frequency from the list.

Changing the system state backup frequency removes the computer from its associated server template.

Next Click to save the backup configuration.

Click to discard the backup configuration.